Tarrant County, TX
This layer represents the polygonal location of every available parcel provided by the Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD). In addition to base metadata, information about each parcel can be found in a datasheet link that pulls from the AAAA-Primary Real Estate account datasheet sourced from the TAD website. These polygons are to be used as reference material and are not meant for analysis. User must be logged in to his uGRIDD account to access detailed datasheets.
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This layer represents the polygonal location of every available subdivision provided by the Tarrant Appraisal District. The data is downloaded as shapefile projected in NAD83 Texas State Plane North-Central and transformed to WGS for accurate use on uGRIDD. When the user selects a subdivision, she will have access to the ID, Name, and Last Revision Date. These polygons are to be used as reference material and are not meant for analysis.
Water District
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This single layer represents the extent of the Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD). This is strictly a reference layer with minimal additional information. When the user selects the map layer, he or she will be provided a link to the TRWD’s website.