Lightning Speed to Find Bridge Inspection Data

Bridge Inspection Report

Source: US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Bridge Inspection Program.
Update: 9/5/2012
Records:  Approximately 699,424
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Feature Layer:

Working on bridges? Find the bridge condition data by selecting a LOI (LoScation of Interest) and then click on the Bridge Layer.
This layer includes the database of National Bridge Inventory provided by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the United States Department of Transportation. The original data was downloaded from the National Bridge Inventory web portal with no changes to its attributes.

When the user selects a specific bridge, the pop-up bubble will show State, Bridge ID, Facility Carried by Bridge, Descriptive Location, Year Built, Status, and URLs for more information from the respective DOT (if available).

A URL accessible in the pop-up bubble links all bridge information available for that bridge. Bridge records from the original NBI database may be omitted in the uGRIDD database if no coordinate values were available.

Keywords : bridge, bridge data, bridge data sheet, National Bridge Inventory,National Bridge Inspection Program, Bridge ID, Facility Carried by Bridge, Bridge Descriptive Location, Bridge Status, bridge state DoT, national bridge inventory database, Bridge condition report,bridge inspection report, bridge report on map, uFIND, LOI,

How to use uFIND:

  • Go to;
  • Click on LOI (Location of Interest) and set it on the map;
  • Select a desired search radius;
  • Pick a layer on the left panel.
LOI can be a point, line or shape.
* you may need a free uGRIDD account to access the detail imformation page.